Elizabeth Theriot /
March 13, 2019
graverobber’s ballad

About The Author

Elizabeth Theriot

Elizabeth Theriot grew up in Louisiana and lives in Alabama, where she teaches writing, volunteers with The Yellowhammer Fund, and performs as half of an improvisatory sound duo. Elizabeth has a chapbook forthcoming in September from dancing girl press, and you can find her work online in A VELVET GIANTWinter Tangerine, Ghost Proposal, Vagabond CityOCCULUM, Tinderbox, and others. She is currently working on both a memoir about desire and disability and a poetry manuscript.

I use fairy tale, myth, and other fabulist tropes in my writing is to refract and reframe my own identity, experiences, traumas, fears, and dreams—similarly to how fairy tales might represent the anxieties of an age, or myths allow a group to explain themselves to themselves. I grew up so inundated with fantastic stories that fairy tale shapes and impressions are constantly manifesting unconsciously in my work, so I try to consciously wield these familiar images in new, potent ways.