Bestiary Friday: The Church Grim

  I first met the Church Grim in the iOS game Year Walk (Simogo Games, 2013)— one of the few games I’ve played since adolescence and one that held me in its subtle, moody spell. The narrative of Year Walk is modeled after the Swedish Årsgång— a divinatory ritual...

Pins & Needles No. 34: Lucas Church

No. 34: Lucas Church   Q. How did you prepare for and navigate through this story with all the stigmas and stereotypes surrounding obese people and those self-proclaimed “fat admirers” who find them attractive? I tried (and hopefully succeeded) to make sure I was...

Fairy Tale Review and the VIDA Count

From its founding in 2005, Kate Bernheimer wanted to create a literary journal reflective of the accessibility and universality of fairy tales as a genre—they can be told by anyone, and they exist across language and culture. Fairy Tale Review has, over the course of...

Pins & Needles No. 33: Rachel Zavecz

No. 33: Rachel Zavecz Q. In addition to the linguistic hyperdrive pirouetting through “Six” (“wetly the blooded stump (fanging hotly whitened nails into the/ maiden’s wrist): replacing with melted steel and plasma silicone/ sheathes miasmic petting honey and...