Fairy-Tale Files: Geryon and Heracles

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors (or, in this case, contributors!). In Greek myth, Geryon was a warrior who owned cattle Heracles had to steal as the tenth of his twelve...

Pins & Needles No. 47: Lenny DellaRocca

No. 47: Lenny DellaRocca Q. You’ve been writing since 1968; how would you describe your evolution through the decades? I was 14 in 1968, now I’m 61! My first attempts at poetry were writing psychedelic-Beatles/Bob Dylan-influenced poems. But before I learned the...

Miscellany: The Dido Galleries

Beautiful and brainy, Queen Dido would have been a talk show favorite. Her brother Pygmalion seized the throne the siblings shared and murdered her husband. Forced to flee, she negotiated a land grab, then built and ruled the great city of Carthage. She had a second...

Fairy-Tale Files: Circle of Salt

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors (or, in this case, contributors!).   In the Grimm Brothers’ story “Maiden without Hands,” a miller inadvertently sells his only daughter...