Fairy-Tale Files: Voodoo Zombies

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, readers, editorial assistants, or contributors. The first appearance of zombies began in Haiti (Haitian French: zombi, Haitian Creole:...

A Brief Interview with Traci Brimhall

In her poem “Sibylline Translation,” Translucent Issue poetry contest judge and past contributor Traci Brimhall tells us: Fiction is one way of knowing. Dreams are another. Meanwhile, the dead trample the psalmic grass as they line up to ride bald angels like horses...

Fairy-Tale Files: Wendigo Vortex

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, readers, editorial assistants, or contributors. In Native American mythology—specifically Algonquin, Cree, Ojibwe, and Naskapi—the Wendigo...